Holster Will Fit Charts

Use the Safariland® will-fit tables below to find what models of holsters, magazine holders, and speedloaders will accommodate your firearm.

New additions are highlighted in yellow (updated 1/2025).


Find what models of Safariland® holsters will fit a Ruger GP100 with a 4" barrel.

Download the appropriate PDF* above and open it. Read down the left side of the table until you find the Ruger GP100 with a barrel length of 4". Read across the table. Each box containing a number indicates that there is a model of SAFARILAND™ holster that will fit a Ruger GP100 with a 4" barrel. (Please note: The number in the box is not the SAFARILAND™ Holster model number. This number is used by the SAFARILAND™ dealer when you place an order.) Read up the table to find the particular SAFARILAND™ holster model number.

RESULTS: Safariland® model of concealment holsters that will fit a Ruger GP100 (4" barrel) is: 6287