Operation PhoEnix
You have a calling, a purpose, a belief. You are part of a unique group of individuals giving your lives to something bigger than yourselves. You are swift, determined, and courageous. In any moment, in any situation and in any condition, you react to the call. You are always there, now and forever. You are the protectors.
You’re the first line of defense, and we’re yours. We empower over two thousand people to design, engineer, research and deliver our protective equipment products to those that keep us safe. From ballistic protection to tactical holsters and gear, we have your back. Our goal is unpretentious. Equip and protect our Law Enforcement who stand up for us with the most innovative products on the planet because Together, We Save Lives®.
Tactical Holsters
Innovation, not imitation
The innovation of holster retention has saved many tactical officers’ lives over the last three decades. Our tactical holsters are the safest and most ergonomic on the market with the widest variety of designs to fit any weapon. Don’t take our word for it – hear for yourself:
Tactical carriers
built for performance
Engineered with state of the art materials and fabrics, and designed with field experience in every detail, the integration of ballistic performance and human performance is how success is defined – with every life saved. See what sets Safariland® armor apart:
the tactical advantage
Poor comms can be the difference between operational success and failure—or life and death. Safariland® headsets were built from the ground up to ensure that all personnel have the most reliable, durable, and advanced tactical communications headset in the world.
ballistic helmets
a higher standard
Setting the industry standard, our tactical helmets are synonymous with ergonomic comfort, superb ballistic performance and field-tested results. See what Tactical Operators have to say: